Friday, 31 July 2015

Highly Secured Airgirl

Last few days I spent on the business trip in one of the famous European facilities for physics research. More than week out form my home, in very special conditions. Unknown place, people, intensive work during days and short nights in hotel. Some extra energy was very welcome, when one has to live in this specific place. Also, absolutely perfect configuration for an experiment. So, the specific brain program was run, which I call HSD, a Highly Secure Airgirl. It was defined approximately one year before as a theoretical solution how to have an airgirls in not very private condition, inside big family, etc. The program was never tested up to now.

What does this strange term mean? The HSA is similar program like others airgirl programs, but the advantage is, that anybody (not informed) can not recognize what really happen. It is very good, because it is not needed to afraid of other people seeing you and your airgirl. There is not the danger of wrong and sexually expressive interpretation.

Because we are working in an infinite world of fantasy, it is simple, but the possibilities of realization are worse. We need to implement a vinyl inflatable doll, which is de facto not a sex doll. because of high popularity of some characters from animated stories there were some projects, where some people had made a special vinyl inflatable doll. These dolls has not any sexual functionalities, but present very nice looking, colorful character in life size. Because of high effort of their creators, they usually have very pleasant head, face and eyes, You can spend many hours to looking to their eyes with a fancy. Problem is, that you cannot buy similar dolls anywhere in market. These are custom very limited series which was made. Their price is also related to. Fortunately, we can use a service of one absolutely unique German company Inflatable World, which makes special inflatable toys, but in bigger series and cheaper. So my Husky, often called IW husky as a reference to creator and manufacturer came from here.

Anthro Halo Inflatable by G&G Company, creator Merek Geiger alias Draco. One of the best anthro inflatable toys ever.
I spent several nights with my inflatable Husky airgirl. She welcomed me in the hotel room at the evening (usually this was afrer midnight :-) ). Then we spent a a rest of night in the bed together. We tested several positions and many amounts of air in her. Our mental connection worked also during a dreams. On morning, I set her in the bed to the aesthetic position, said her bye and went to work. She loved it well. If there was a free moment, she went out with me for a short walk.

My Husky in our bed.

What happen in our hotel room during day? You can expect a visit of the chambermaid of course. When my Husky was under blanket, the chambermaid leaved the room quickly without any trace. She thought that there is a man in the bed. Different situation was when my Husky has laid on the bed. Sometimes, there was a fright, sometimes a fun. Also, chambermaid took some photos together with my Husky, sent them via cell phone to somebody. She then brought one more set of towels for my Husky and put them next to her leg. I had my towels next on the cabinet. I see it absolutely nice. Many thanks :-)

My Husky with towels, which chambermaid brought for her.
My room was first in ground floor, just next to main door. People still walking behind the door and you can expect that one will knock and ask for something :-) Also near the window with louver, there was a grass, a walkway, and the parking lot. We were surrounded by people, we were bounded together. This was a very specific feel.

The hotel. Our window is marked red.
The result - does it work? Absolutely yes. My Husky can use her personality to shift real situations and to give them a special dimension. She can make fell of home or something special yours, private, intimate. Also, there is no danger of wrong interpretation. I think, future trips will be always together with my Husky.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Why Inflatable and not Solid?

We are living in the era of sex dolls. You can find very nice dolls everywhere you look. Internet is full of pictures, news and stories. You can read about famous dolls from Japan, then from USA, France, Germany, ..., we mustn't forget China, the biggest doll producer. Almost every big country have some company who produce or sell very nice high end sex dolls. But what dolls are they?
RealDoll, the silicone doll from Abyss Creations in San Marcos, California
All these dolls are solid. That means their body is made up of solid material. Original high end dolls are made up of silicone, several layers of controlled color and transparency, which looks very close to human body. Especially on photos, which are properly taken. The silicone is held by metal skeleton, sometimes a polyurethane foam is added for better shaping. A customer can select from skin color in many variants, head, body, breasts and nipples, hair and junction tightness. At some models some parts are removable, you can have more faces and select one suitable for actual situation. Because silicone is expensive, this kind of dolls is expensive also. Then there are cheaper sorts of doll - made up of TPE (Thermo Plastic Elastomer), smaller, simpler in internal structure, made up of plush, ...

STOP!!! We will not study any solid doll! We are going to focus on the dolls filled with air, lets say on the inflatable or blow-up dolls. On the famous website for doll lovers, The Doll Forum they use very nice terms, like InflaBabe or AirGirl. Note that we will NOT be interested in cheap and usually ugly cheap blow-up dolls, with foil head and printed face. These dolls are intended for parties and fun, not for any respectable use. A high end inflatable dolls or special mid range dolls will be spoken here, lest say dolls, with advanced body structure which gives enough feel of personality.

Nice vinyl inflatable doll produced in China, Ningbo / Diao-Shi.
So Why love dolls have to be inflatable?

  • Inflatable toys are live toys. They didn't act as a solid thing - metal, stone, etc, They react very well on ambient temperature, body temperature, air pressure in and out (athmospheric pressure), on movements and treatment. This gives them mood and reactions to you.
  • Material, when it is good quality (vinyl or latex) is soft, smooth and warm (it will take your body temperature quickly), so it is very pleasant. The air inside provides very good contact to you.
  • Inflatable toys needs much care to be nice and in good shape. There are many things you must do with and many thing you mustn't do. They can be easily damaged and sometimes you will have to cure - repair her. We can say that toys are some kind of mirror, which show your access to them.
  • If the inflatable toy cannot be inflated and is beyond any repair, it is dead. We strongly don't like this state and do anything possible to avoid it. What after - topic for the future.
  • Inflatable toys are magical. We can hide them easily, carry them securely and take them to places, which are accessible hardly with solid ones. You can take your beauties on the holiday for example, stay in hotel and you needn't afraid that someone call a police. You needn't carry coffins in and out through the reception.
  • Inflatable toys are more times cheaper than solid ones. This make them accessible for wide range of people. (This need not be always good.) This don't mean that they cannot be rare. Sometimes they can be very rare, because there is not alternative with the similar properties on the market.
  • Inflatable dolls, which are systematically made don't contain any metal components. This is very good for matching with human body, which also don't contain any. (We don't speak about any medical implants, this is another case. They can be used in human bodies, but they are not in "original design".) So suitable dolls are made up of plastics or latex (both hydrocarbons with some additional chemical element) and air (natural material). Vibration devices are removable, not attached to the doll body. Also, when the doll have moving eyes, there are not metal frames and weights. Or when you were born, did your body contain screws and nuts?
  • Making dolls from plush is also wrong idea. I respect that some people like plush, but plush is a fabric. If you will be in bed, all things surrounding you are also made up of fabric and this is the problem. The body, regardless if real human body or doll body is best visible if it is surrounded by opposite kind of material. Plush body in bed is hidden for most human internal senses.
One my friend from Germany said it perfectly. Inflatable doll is magical. It can can look like a shapeless heap of rubber, then, when you add some air, maybe your breath, it will turn to pretty lady. Also, she is very sensitive. When you add too much air, or some sharp object appears in touch, all the beauty is gone.
So which doll to use forour purposes? Select a doll, nice enough. You must feel her personality near you and you mustn't feel bad to show your doll to something else, friend, family - to somebody you trust to. This must bring you a good feeling, not bad, embarrassing, silly. The properties of the doll must match your preferences, your favorite girlfriend, a character from book or film, etc. It is good to have some nice and pleasant story about "the person" before you begin looking for suitable doll body for her.

How long she will last? It depends on you. Especially on lifetime of "the person" in your brain - it is lifetime of a program. Then of course it depends on how perfect you care about your doll. The real lifetime can reach many years without significant problems. It is NOT true, that inflatable dolls are toys for limited use only.

Regardless all experience and research, ideal level of suitable doll is not known. The doll should be nice, durable enough, sophisticated or rare. It should represent a value for you.